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In this paper, Abdelfatah and Mazloum's (2015) two-stage randomized response model is extended to unequal probability sampling and stratified unequal probability sampling, both with and without replacement. The extended models result in more efficient estimators than Lee et al.'s (2014) estimators of the proportion of the population having a sensitive attribute.  相似文献   
易学可以分为两部分:理论的层面和术数的层面。学界以往对易学的术数层面关注较少,一是缘于学者对“术数”的偏见,二是术数学自身缺少系统性反思的理论大师。三国时的管辂便是试图对术数学进行理论说明的人。牟宗三曾经藉由管辂来研究中国传统的一类知识系统,但尚有许多内容待发掘。管辂说“善易者不论《易》”,这是对术数易地位的辩护,同时也是对经学易和玄学易的回应。这种反对,不能从象数和义理对立的角度去理解,而应从文本和实践的区别来认识。管辂认为,术数的根本在于“神”,这个神不是玄学或思辨意义上的“玄之又玄”,而是实践意义中的通感和知几能力,它奠基于人自身的命限和气质中。但对于神的体悟又不能仅仅等同于“直觉”和“神秘主义”,因为它对于表现的通孔———象,以及工夫论基础,都有明确的要求。在这里,我们看到了不隶属于理性、直觉或神秘主义的一种独特思维方式。  相似文献   
王铭铭 《社会》2019,39(3):1-56
本文以康有为完成于1904年底的《意大利游记》为说明性个案,试图呈现其欧亚文明论的基本面貌。文章将文本与这位“先时之人物”所处的时代相联系,勾勒出康氏的旅欧行程、意大利考察和文明叙述的轮廓,梳理了康氏在其“异域志”中表达的有关升平一统(帝国)、中西文明之异、文明关联互动等看法。文章指出,《意大利游记》是古代华文异域志的近代遗响,而康有为借之表达的看法,实构成一种“文明-现代性”主张。本文为作者所写有关法国社会学年鉴派文明与文明研究构想之论文的续篇。文章指出,康有为对文明的界定与其同龄人涂尔干的看法有诸多相通之处,但也有不同点:康氏与涂氏都将现实发生的文明界定为“超社会现象”,视其为国族与世界之间的中间范畴,但相比于从结构观点看文明的涂尔干,康氏在考察文明的存在方式时更关注其历史的治乱轮替动态,也更为重视其政体实现形式。文章最后,作者思考了20世纪康氏欧亚文明论的遭际,指出相比“国族营造”之社会科学,康有为融通“我他”文明的叙述依旧有其启迪。  相似文献   
大工程文化是河北工程大学基于新时代工程教育实践和学校发展实际,凝练升华而成的大学文化系统,其“十一大”脉系,在学校育人实践中发挥了重要作用,为落实立德树人根本任务提供了精神动力。  相似文献   

A central objective of empirical research on treatment response is to inform treatment choice. Unfortunately, researchers commonly use concepts of statistical inference whose foundations are distant from the problem of treatment choice. It has been particularly common to use hypothesis tests to compare treatments. Wald’s development of statistical decision theory provides a coherent frequentist framework for use of sample data on treatment response to make treatment decisions. A body of recent research applies statistical decision theory to characterize uniformly satisfactory treatment choices, in the sense of maximum loss relative to optimal decisions (also known as maximum regret). This article describes the basic ideas and findings, which provide an appealing practical alternative to use of hypothesis tests. For simplicity, the article focuses on medical treatment with evidence from classical randomized clinical trials. The ideas apply generally, encompassing use of observational data and treatment choice in nonmedical contexts.  相似文献   
The European institutions picture EU citizens as important actors in the process of transforming EU citizenship into a “tangible reality”. By knowing and practising EU citizenship rights, EU citizens are supposed to give meaning and depth to the otherwise hollow concept of EU citizenship. What EU citizenship means for mobile citizens themselves and how EU citizens practice and evaluate their rights (“lived citizenship”) is generally not a central theme in reports and studies on EU citizenship. In this article the value of EU citizenship will be discussed by applying a qualitative research approach and by focusing on retired EU citizens’ perspectives and practice of, in particular, free movement. This article applies a comparative approach and includes EU citizens who move or return from the Netherlands to Spain or Turkey after retirement. Four groups of EU citizens move between these countries: Dutch nationals who move to Spain, Spanish nationals who return to Spain, Dutch nationals who move to Turkey and Turkish dual-nationals who return to Turkey after retirement. This article shows that migratory background, country of origin, country of retirement and the way in which EU citizenship is acquired determine retirement migrants’ perspectives and practice of EU citizenship.  相似文献   
丹珍草 《民族学刊》2019,10(1):57-64, 114-116
格萨尔藏戏将口头诗歌中的“歌”化为具体的表演行为动态实践,集声音、舞蹈、仪式和群体互动等多种形式于一体,是历史悠久、别具特色的藏戏剧种。格萨尔藏戏表演通过对古典时代民族民间文化的重构与想象,构成格萨尔史诗更丰富宽广的表达。作为文化象征的表述符号,格萨尔藏戏是口头传统研究中的表演民族志,其歌舞形态为本的言说系统,更贴近格萨尔史诗说唱本体,并重新廓清格萨尔史诗口传与书写之间复杂的关联,还口头说唱以本原。格萨尔史诗戏剧化表演实践与创新中的复合性、融合性、新生性特征和带有实验性的探索,使格萨尔藏戏经历新的蜕变。  相似文献   
劳动教育肩负着培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人的重要任务,因此,新时代推进大中小学劳动教育是青少年学生全面发展的客观需要。新时代推进大中小学劳动教育需要从时代性、规律性、创造性三重维度着手,把握新时代大中小学劳动教育的时代特征,遵循新时代大中小学劳动教育的内在规律,激发新时代大中小学劳动教育的内生动力。  相似文献   
目前,网络视频实时在线评论激增带来的信息爆炸,使实时在线评论信息管理成为重要议题。以往对实时在线评论的研究多集中于个人行为结果方面,而缺乏对实时在线评论信息管理问题的关注;同时,现有视频网站对实时在线评论信息的管理也存在诸多局限。以爱奇艺视频网站热度榜中的电影为样本,基于信息质量维度框架并采用Tobit模型对实时在线评论用户认可度的影响因素进行研究,结果发现:实时在线评论的新颖性、相似性、情感倾向性和信息丰富性,均对实时在线评论的用户认可度存在显著影响,其中新颖性和相似性影响作用最大。视频网站可以据此进一步强化实时在线评论管理,改善用户的体验,保持用户的粘性。  相似文献   
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